Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Wiz Khalifa Concert

I was able to go to the Wiz Khalifa Concert with my roommate from school!
#Shoutout to Larissa for taking me! : D
I had a BLAST! It was so much fun! The atmosphere was fun-filled and you were surrounded by people who just want to get high and have a great time!
I have to admit I am a new Taylor to the Gang.

I went to concert only knowing a few songs really and came out with a great appreciation Wiz Khalifa. It says a lot when an entertainer can make a fan just by their stage performance. He definitely did that.
His music is definitely for those who are a little spacey!
He was a really good performer. I think I even have developed a bit of a crush for Wiz : )

Below is a video with some clips I took at the show just for you guys, so you can get a little taste of it

Wiz Khalifa Concert from s o u l f l i g h t on Vimeo.

AHHH I had so much fun!

Oh I forgot to mention, Wiz was throwing out his roll-ups and I caught them!